Our Pricing Model

Sun Park Phoenix

Voice of Purpose believes that professional development for teaching artists and arts administrators working in community arts should not only be comprehensive and holistic, but also accessible and embody principles of equity. This means that our training program is offered with a sliding-scale option – ranging on one end with the full price of the program plus sponsorship of an artist in need of financial support (for those with access to financial means and generational wealth), to a full scholarship on the other end of the scale (for those who are currently without sufficient financial resources to sustain basic living expenses), with intermediary levels in between (moderate subsidies and partial scholarships).

Below are some descriptions to help guide you toward the appropriate level of contribution as an individual or as an organization (modeled after AORTA’s sliding scale system). Thank you to the Canada Council for the Arts for their support, which allows us the ability to oer scholarships and subsidies for the pilot launch of this program.

Descriptions of Tiers

Sliding scale tiers at a glance (All fees are in USD)

Redistribution – $2500 (standard cost + a contribution to support a scholarship for an artist in need of financial support)
Full Cost – $1500 (standard cost of training)
Support – $1000 (subsidy of $500)
Solidarity – $500 (subsidy of $1000)
Scholarship – $499 to a full scholarship (based on availability and need)

Sliding scale assessment for individuals

This sliding scale assessment is for you if you are paying for the training or program without financial support from an organization. Please complete the self assessment below to help you consider what rate to pay to attend this oering. We know that all of our experiences regarding these factors are dierent and complex. We hope that this list of questions supports reflective discernment.

Sliding scale for individuals being supported by an organization

This sliding scale assessment is for you if you are a member of an organization that is paying for the participation of team members or extended artist roster, in the training or program. Please assess your organization based on the criteria below to determine which sliding scale level you should choose. We know that the picture of an organization’s financial resources can be complex, and not every statement in any category might be true for your organization. Select where the most statements are true for your organization.

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